Cloud Computing Diagram1: Traditional Network Combined with a Single Cloud Computing Application

In the above Cloud Computing Diagram, the company has decided to no longer own, maintain, & backup an email server anymore due to the frustration & cost. Instead they use a “hosted email server” which is located “in the cloud”.
Some benefits to using cloud computing in this manner is that companies can reduce their IT costs while increasing the overall functionality. Email in the cloud allows the data (email) to be spread across various data centers to ensure you can quickly access your data, have automatic backups done, and help ensure compliance for various industry requirements.
That said certain industries have regulations that dictate the security of data and where data can be stored. Therefore it is important to know where your data will be stored and what security measures are in place. Your Cloud computing specialist should help you with this.
If you are considering Cloud Computing for your company, and want to discuss Cloud computing on a non-technical level so you can better evaluate if Cloud computing is right for your business, contact us.
Cloud Computing Diagram2: Traditional Network Combined with Multiple Cloud Computing Software Applications

In the Cloud Computing Diagram above, the company that got rid of their internal email server for a cloud-based email server has realized the benefits and has now decided to start adding other Cloud Computing applications; in this case a cloud-based CRM solution (such as from to improve the efficiency of the company’s marketing & sales staff.
Want to learn how Cloud Computing can help your company cut costs & improve operational efficiency that results in bottom line results? If yes, contact us today.
Cloud Computing Diagram 3: Virtual Private Cloud Computing

The Cloud Computing diagram of the Virtual Private Cloud Computing environment above shows the company decided to have a virtual private cloud created to mimic their previous traditional environment. In this cloud computing scenario, the employees use a device, such as an iPad, netbook, notebook, desktop computer, (and so on) to remotely connect and control their respective cloud-based desktops.
A Virtual Private Cloud Computing environment can be highly customized and truly allows companies to leverage technology around business goals, performance & compliance with industry regulations. When designing a virtual private cloud, components such as cloud computers, cloud servers & firewalls are selected based off the functionality needed to best address business goals and operations. To help grasp the virtual aspect, think of virtual private cloud computing as a build-to-suit real estate arrangement, where the land owner (cloud computing specialist) builds your company an office space (virtual private cloud) according to your specifications.
The next Cloud Computing Diagram shows that with virtual private cloud computing there are unlimited possibilities to what can be added or how virtual private cloud computing can be configured.

To realize what Virtual Private Cloud Computing can do for your business operations, contact us today.
Cloud Computing Diagram 4: Cloud Computing for Disaster Recovery
Three Main Cloud Computing Disaster Recovery Diagrams when using Cloud Computing for Disaster Recovery.
Disaster Recovery Cloud Computing Diagram (1) Basic Configuration

With the basic Disaster Recovery Cloud Computing Diagram above, the company is using a software program to encrypt and compress the company data (from specific documents or folders to full back up images). Should a disaster such as a theft, fire, or flood occur, the business could download its data from the cloud, or have a drive with the data sent to them depending on how much data & how soon it is needed.
To help determine if this is the best option for your company, contact us.
Disaster Recovery Cloud Computing Diagram (2) Typical Business Configuration

The disaster recovery cloud computing diagram above shows a method of recovery that fits the functionality and budget of most businesses. Since hardware failure is one of the most frequent causes of a disaster and can cause a company to lose a tremendous amount of money while the server(s) are down, the company can utilize the service of having an onsite disaster recovery system in place. In this scenario, snapshots of the operational environment are taken periodically, such as every 15 minutes. When a server or servers fail, the disaster recovery system can be activated to start running from the last image. This allows the company to keep running while the replacement parts are ordered and installed. With this configuration, secure backups can also be automatically sent offsite as well, just like in the basic example.
To learn more about this hybrid Cloud Computing service and how much it costs, contact us today.
Disaster Recovery Cloud Computing Diagram (3) Critical Business Configuration

With this Cloud Computing Diagram, business critical operations have been identified and tested for fail-over not only to the local disaster recovery system, but also to the Cloud. This will allow the business to keep running should a disaster such as theft, fire, or flood occur in the local office. With the Virtual Private Cloud scenario, the company can rely on continued operations with minimal interruption to business should a disaster take out the local office’s server(s) and local recovery system.
Because there is no need to take down or hinder the business operations to test the virtual private cloud fail-over, extensive tests can be done to ensure a reliable solution is in place.
Cloud Computing for Research or Short Term Projects

The Cloud Computing diagram regarding short-term projects is very similar to that of the single or multiple application cloud computing diagram we have already mentioned. We discuss this here so that business owners can be aware of the cost-benefit this type of scenario can provide a company. Because the cost to purchase software (such as Microsoft Project) is very high, as well as the associated server hardware to be robust, often expensive, as well as the cost to maintain it, businesses can benefit by using Cloud Computing “hosted” Microsoft Project.
This allows companies to use Microsoft Project (for example) for the duration of their project, and then end the cost when it is no longer needed.
Contact us to learn more.
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