Security Issues with Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Security issues depend on the type of Cloud Computing used. The framework for Cloud Computing Security is the same we would use for information security. With Cloud Computing specifically we are addressing new variables have changed over a more traditional network infrastructure, but we follow the same process of protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our business data, business applications, and our Cloud Computing Clients (devices). Cloud Security issues arise when there is a failure to adequately address the variables in specific Cloud Computing implementation.
Because Cloud Computing is too broad to go into all the details for the associated security, Cloud Computing Security issues should be done on a case-by-case basis. What is acceptable for one company will not be for another. Therefore, here are some of the areas of concern with Cloud Computing Security:
The Cloud Computing Company’s Security (The hosting company, or provider)
In a multi-tenant Cloud Computing scenario, attacks by other users
Those using the same hardware or applications, what measures are put in place for isolating, protecting and auditing.
Operating System and application Security Settings
Vulnerabilities in the code for the operating system, application, as well as viruses, malware, and manual and automated attacks all have to be considered and addressed.
Availability & Reliability Issues How do you get support, guaranteed response times and service levels, availability from the Cloud Company’s side, availability from the business side, reliability and security between the business and the Cloud Computing Company, and auditing of these issues.
Legal & Regulatory Issues What laws and regulations are applicable in cloud computing, what measures are in place to ensure control (including the control over where the data may reside), what certifications are needed for compliance
Trust level between the Cloud and the Business (are only some operations run in the cloud, if so, what is the trust relationship between the cloud and the rest of the organization).
Cloud Computing Company’s security matched with businesses – The Cloud Computing security issues one may first think of here, are the Cloud Computing Company’s policy for reporting breaches in security, or their controls over security; but because Cloud Computing Companies are very concerned in ensuring the security of their clients, and their client’s data, one issue to not forget is the business’s control over their employee’s and what they are doing in the cloud environment, and if inappropriate what are the actions from the Cloud Computing Company toward the business.
The bottom line in regards to Cloud Computing and security is that it should not be taken lightly, businesses should use Cloud Computing consultants to strategize and plan their migration, and for most small and medium businesses the Cloud Computing security will be a significant improvement.